“The chairs are meant to represent the lost lives due to COVID, especially in Somerville. I chose these locations because these are the ones I normally frequent. Being Latina, East Somerville is my home. I’d take the bus all around Somerville, I would go to Foss Park to take a swim, Trum Field to take a walk, or the Brazilian store Modelo’s nearby to grab some food. I made my first series on that bridge where I told the story of a kid with DACA trying to win a boxing competition to obtain money for school. I would go to Davis ​Square to watch a movie to inspire me. I would take the train every day to go to school. This outbreak has affected POC more than anyone, I see it in my community. I see it in the flag painted on the wall where the chair sits, the flag that is supposed to represent freedom and safety, hasn’t felt like that lately.”